Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Time Flys...

When your having fun...

so i don't know about everyone else, but its been a couple of crazy weeks for me! , its been non- spot.
something new to do everyday! and it doesn't seem like things are going to slow down just yet!

So its been valentines day and i made Ashley some scrummy looking cupcakes!

 Ive been keeping up with my knitting, sadly I'm still sticking to scarfs atm and i have no new pictures to show you!, but my next knitting project is small love hearts, I've found a fab pattern, but as I'm only a novice i haven't quite got the knack of reading them yet! , so it may take a while!

But the most important thing of all that's been happening is the party planning of course!, I'm turning 18 on Saturday!, so its almost time to party, my fancy dress costume is ready, the decorations are prepared, the hall and disco are book, all that's left to prep is the food! and then its time to Bogey on down!

so you may not here from me till after my party as I'm a busy bee!
but i hope your all having a fab half term!
Happy Blogging :)

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