Wednesday, 24 October 2012

My week in pictures.

So I'm gonna try something new today and see how it goes down. The title pretty much says it all really. although instead of the week going Monday-Sunday its going to be Tuesday-Monday as I didn't really plan this very well, all the images are from my phone this week, but they will vary week to week from my SLR  phone and maybe even 35mm film.





So here we go 
-Tuesday spent at dads, Hope found my camera bookmark which also doubles up as a magnifying glass!
-Wednesday i spent the afternoon in the uni library, and someone had left a load of sticky notes in a book i was read so that's put a few new ideas in my book so consider.
-Thursday is costa morning! so you'll never guess what ill be doing tomorrow! gingerbread latte and a chocolate twist! 
-Friday i became the newest resident of bishopdale 10 for the weekend, visiting the lovely rachie!
-Saturday was a very long day spent shopping in leeds! Ay up pet! 
-Sunday we went for the last supper, a massive roast at the picture house, first turkey dinner of the year!
-Monday I went to have a nice relaxing bath and bam! i walked out of the bathroom for five mins and the bath is almost overflowing and the bubbles are up the wall. whooops. 

So that's a little insight into my week. ill be back again this time next week, but for now a post about meeting David Ellison to follow. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Camera Obscura Takeover

Definition of camera obscura : a darkened enclosure in which images of outside objects are projected through a small aperture or lens onto a facing surface.

How we did it ?

Step 1. find a suitable room which you can black out, but there is still a window so you can make an aperture.

Step 2. black out the room, covering the window with black card cut a small circle about the size of a Vaseline tin. And a little paper flap to cover the hole, but will be able to attach back to uncover the hole.

Step 3.turn the lights out, and uncover the aperture(hole). the light from outside will then project the objects from outside onto the walls. Remember that the images projected onto the walls will be back to front, so what will be on the left if you where looking out the window will be projected onto the right and visa versa.

Exposing your image

Step 4.Cover up your aperture, so that you don't expose your paper before its ready. turn off the lights

Step 5.Tape up your paper to your selected position, depending on how much light there is depends on how long you should expose your paper for, so the less the light the longer you expose the paper for, the more light the less you expose the paper for.

Step 6. in our case we exposed our paper for 2 mins, so lift the paper flap from over the aperture for two minutes.and cover back up.

Step 7.once the exposure is taken down and placed in a lightproof bag. Take to a dark room, and go through the process- i'm not going to go into that stage atm, but i'm sure i will do over the next couple of weeks :)
Unfortunately the quality of this image int great as i only had my phone on me, our exposure is the one on the right, with the 4 pieces, can you tell what it is ?..
I hope you've found this post interesting, and that it has made you want to try your own! its not hard and would only take you about an hour once you've got the materials you need!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Ipswich Project.

Whoooo my first official day at Uni was yesterday, and well minus the rain it was pretty good. We were set what I thought was going to be a fairly easy task to settle us in, but actually it turned out to be harder than i initially thought.
Aim of the task - Take 6 photographs relating to the following statements
          1.Things in a long line
          2.A bad smell
          3.A smile
          4.A red ball
          5.An ugly photograph
          6.A meaningless photograph.
So overall I'd say these would seem pretty obvious on what to do, but we wanted to think out the box and do something a little different. Although when it came round to taking the pictures we struggled a little for what to take for number 5 and 6 because what is an ugly picture, what one person may find ugly another may find beautiful ?.. and as for a meaningless photo does that mean it has no meaning to you or the object in the image has no meaning? so after a Long cuppa hot chocolate in costa, we got onto the task ahead and off out in the rain we went! And if at first you don't succeed try and try again. Three hours later, the photos are taken and printed off, ready for critique on Friday! Wish me luck ... Can you guess which picture goes with which statement ?.. Im off now but if you're ever need a little project to get your brain working, this is a nice one to try, ask a fellow student, your mum or dad to write a list or even use mine and see what you come up with!