Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Okay so I've just recently started a 5 week project. That I worked with my teachers to come up with a project brief . The final outcome was that I will be working on Indirect portraits, using objects in particular their favourite things. I'm also working along the theme of triptych (three). to create an interesting series of images.

I wanted the images to make the view consider what they think the person is like, as I feel that people are judged by what they look like ?
Just cause your a punk rocker does that mean you cant like knitting?
just cause you wear dresses does that mean you cant play football ?

Next time you see someone you think looks different, think about what their personality might be like and don't just judge them on what they look like.
Dear Blog.
I'm sorry I've neglected you. forgive me
Love Chelsey. x