Monday, 31 January 2011

E sting..

So at college we've started our specialist projects, ive never been so excited! todays been a pretty good day.

I wake up to find my boyfriends making breakfast while i get ready!, philidelphia on toast! my fave and a nice cuppa tea, made just the way i like it!

Then off to college to see my gorgeous girls, who both had gleaming smiles today! it couldnt have been a better start :D

So back to the point.. the task set for the next couple of weeks is to make an E sting -( for all thoose who dont know what i mean - the ten second little shot inbetween shows that advertise E4 ) the most recent being the one with the mouth ?

So me and my girlies did some brain storming and came up with a fab idea, ya'no how in costa coffee, they sprinkle cocoa powder ontop of your drinks if you want, usually there in the shape of a heart or a coffee bean.

We've adapted this idea, and we've decided to make an E4 stencil and do the same, we're so excited about it , we did a rough try today.

sorry about the poor quality of picture!

i will deffinatly keep you all update and be sure to post the final outcome when its ready!
Happy Blogging :)

Friday, 28 January 2011

Vintage and handmade jewls.

so just recently i found this amazing website that sells all different vintage and handmade jewls. and its cheap!
its fab i cant stop myself ordering off it, just recently ive brought various items for friend for their birthday and christmas, how ive manged to resisit temptations of buying myself everything im not sure..

i hope you enjoy the website and find lots of treasures you like!
happy blogging  :)

Work from a previous workshop

digital manipulation.

My new found love

so after just recently learning how to use photoshop and illustrator to make digitally edited screen prints. i cant seem to stop myself, anything and everything i want to make a image out of, heres my new fave!

happy blogging :)

Saturday, 22 January 2011


One of my friends mums, loves making cakes, and just recently in printmaking i made a print of this cupcake, i decided that i was going to adapt this and consider what it could be used for, so i made this little logo..
i really like the play on words with my friends last name as it is cooke.
hopefully there will be more on the way!

Happy  Blogging!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Monday, 17 January 2011

Baby Picasso!

so as you may be aware for christmas i brought my little sister a chalk/drawing board, and she loves it!
she's using it non stop, but thats not the reason ive written this blog, just recently we decided to do a remake of her hand prints with paint, after we had i decided to let her play with the paints and do a spot of painting, and she loved it too, shes like baby picasso!

it was way too tempting to join in so i did, unfortunatly, she decided she'd paint her feet and then go for a wonder around the room, but luckily we have laminate so nothing was ruined, but in all it was fun and games! and there are some beautiful out comes!,, i now know who i can turn to when i need some help painting!

happy blogging :)

Thursday, 13 January 2011

the new year has arrived..

                                                                                      so new years has been and gone.

so the chocolate has been eaten, the alchol drunk and the christmas decorations are down, but all in all everyone had a fab christmas and new year!

Back to college this week it was, and for a 1st week back so far it hasnt been to bad, if im honest its been a walk in the park, i have a feeling they are building us up for some hard work.

so whats next on the cards for this year?.. well on the 21st its mine and my gorgoeus boyfriends 6th month anniversary! , times gone so quick, but we're as happy as ever.

and of course i cant forget my big 1 8 comming up in feb - all the more reason to have a party!, im thinking fancy dress, its gonna be fab i cant wait to see everyones outfits and most of all i cant wait to open a bottle of bubbly and celebrate with the people i love the most! 

so im going to keep this post short for today! but there will deffinatly be more to come in the next couple of days!,
happy blogging, :)